How much water do cruisers typically use? And how do they use it? Here’s what you need to know before you head out on a longer trip!
Controlling Expenses While Cruising Your Boat
Controlling cruising costs involves more than just choosing between two products. The Pardey’s new DVD details many of the choices that will affect your budget.
Spanish for Cruisers
Headed to Spanish-speaking countries? You need this book — specialized vocabulary you won’t find elsewhere, arranged by cruising situation.
What I Needed to Know to Cruise
My Mom’s words convinced me I could go cruising, even if I didn’t know everything.
Blue Horizons
Blue Horizons isn’t a typical cruising book. There’s no how-to or travelogue. But if you want to know how voyaging makes you FEEL . . .
Celebrating from Afar When You Are Cruising
A concern for many cruisers is how to share special occasions with family and friends when you’re apart. Four ways to celebrate “together!”
Provisioning by Dinghy
If you’re taking groceries back to the boat by dinghy, you need to protect certain things (say, sugar) from getting wet. Here’s how to do it!