Buying a Boat & Gear
Buying a Boat & Gear
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We’ve got buying guides to help you find the perfect boat and reviews and recommended products to help you outfit it—no matter your budget or cruising style.
If you’d rather just see a simple list of products that have worked well for us you can find them in our Amazon Store.

Buying a Boat
Buying a Boat
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Thinking of buying a cruising boat? Whether for weekends on the lake or a trip around the world, there's a lot to think about.
Here you'll find info on everything from where to start in the buying process to naming your boat and learning her systems.

Boat Gear
Boat Gear
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Recommendations and gear buying tips for all the non-galley "stuff" that goes on the boat: anchors, lights, bedding, tools and so much more.

Emergency Gear
Emergency Gear
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Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.
All the gear we really, truly, seriously hope we wasted money buying. But should we ever need it, we want it to work perfectly!

Galley Gear
Galley Gear
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What to consider when buying galley gear as well as product reviews and recommendations. Get items that are wonderful to use and last years!

Tools for a Boat
Tools for a Boat
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If you're boating, you have to be prepared to fix things when there's no repair facility nearby.
Here are some tools we've come to love because of how useful they are and how well they've held up.

Prefer a quick list of all the ones we like? We've got that too -- on Amazon.

Non-Electric Alternatives for Boats
Non-Electric Alternatives
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Electricity is precious on most boats.
Make your limited supply go further with non-electric or solar-powered alternatives for lights, cooking and other everyday needs.

Personal Gear
Personal Gear When Living on a Boat
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Everything from towels to clothing to tunes -- boat life makes us view our "stuff" differently.
Find out about little luxuries and things we treasure because they just work so well when living on a boat.

Books & DVDs
Books & DVDs
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Some books and DVDs ignite the dream and others give you the skills to make the dream come true.
As my mom always told me, "If you can read, you can do anything!"

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